Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I'm just a rambling man

What happened to day 2 of my foodalogue? Laziness. It's true. I ran out of steam.

I've decided that I want to be able to do the New York Times Crossword puzzles in a timely fashion - to that end, I picked up the Nintendo DS game with almost three years worth of the puzzles. I've never been a crosswordy kind of person, so I'm happy with the small victories of just completing monday puzzles without having to hit the "hint" button (which just gives you the letter you are on, I don't call giving you the answer a "hint" as much as a "you failed"). Unfortunately, the Nintendo DS game scores how well you did- I often get "D-" because it takes me almost an hour to knock out a monday puzzle out (though I did get a "C-" on a puzzle that had a "Happy Days" theme).

Dearly beloved scowled at my video game and told me that if I want to do the puzzles, I should just do the damned puzzles in the paper (or words to that effect). She may be right, but I like being able to hit "erase" - pencil lines don't come out as well.

Another DS game that I've picked up is their version of Wordjong - a game I've played on Pogo, but I really wanted a portable version of the game. There's probably an iPhone app. for it, but I'm good with the DS one.

1 comment:

carole* said...

Finishing a crossword on paper is a spiritual thing, especially when you can wave it in someone's face. A little electronic device can't duplicate that satisfaction. Phooey!